Django Service Objects

August 12, 2017

Starting a new project is always exciting. You spec out the features, start writing your tests, and implement your code. But then somewhere along the way, it starts to become a drag. You start to have so many models, and so many views, and so much logic to implement that you don’t even know where to put them. Or more realistically, you’ve lost track of where you’ve put them.

Is there a better way?

Yes! Service objects to the rescue!

What are service objects?

Simply put, service objects are where you put your business logic.

Let’s say you’re building a booking system. When a customer makes a booking, the app should create a new customer or get an existing one, it should create a booking in the database, and then send a verification email. When the email is verified, the app should update the status of the booking, and notify the admin. Finally, when the admin approves the booking, the app should update the status of the booking, create an invoice, and send it to the customer.

All of that logic should live in service objects.

Enough talk. Let’s code!

So what does a service object look like?

Like this:

# apps/booking/

from django import forms

from .models import Booking, Customer
from .notifications import VerifyEmailNotification
from import Service

class CreateBooking(Service):
    name = forms.CharField()
    email = forms.EmailField()
    checkin_date = forms.DateField()
    checkout_date = forms.DateField()

    def process(self):
        name = self.cleaned_data['name']
        email = self.cleaned_data['email']
        checkin_date = self.cleaned_data['checkin_date']
        checkout_date = self.cleaned_data['checkout_date']

        # Update or create a customer
        customer = Customer.objects.update_or_create(
                'name': name

        # Create booking
        booking = Booking.objects.create(

        # Send verification email (check out django-herald)

        return booking

Service objects inherit from Service (implementation below) and it has a similar API to Django Forms. That’s because Service actually inherits from forms.Form. The only difference you have to implement a process method where you put your business logic.

Here I wrote CreateBooking service that does three things.

  1. Updates or creates a Customer
  2. Creates a Booking
  3. Sends a verification email

OK. Interesting. How do you use it?

Just call execute on the class, passing in a dict of parameters, just like Forms.

from datetime import date

from import CreateBooking

booking = CreateBooking.execute({
    'name': 'Mitchel Cabuloy',
    'email': '[email protected]',
    'checkin_date': date(2017, 8, 12),
    'checkout_date': date(2017, 8, 15),

And your process method executes and returns the booking.

Here’s the base class’ definition so you can understand a bit more how it works:

# some_project/

from django import forms
from django.db import transaction

from .errors import InvalidInputsError

class Service(forms.Form):

    def service_clean(self):
        if not self.is_valid():
            raise InvalidInputsError(
                self.errors, self.non_field_errrors())

    def execute(cls, inputs, files=None, **kwargs):
        instance = cls(inputs, files, **kwargs)
        with transaction.atomic():
            return instance.process()

    def process(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

The base Service class’ execute method makes sure that process runs inside a transaction and it also validates the inputs and raises an exception if it’s invalid.

# some_project/

class InvalidInputsError(Exception):

    def __init__(self, errors, non_field_errors):
        self.errors = errors
        self.non_field_errors = non_field_errors

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f'{repr(self.errors)} '

InvalidInputsError is raised when you try to execute a service but the inputs are invalid. You can access the invalid fields in the errors attribute. It also prints out the invalid fields for easier debugging.


Cool right? There’s more.

Let’s say there are some instances where email verification isn’t required so we want to disable it. You do it like this:

class CreateBooking(Service):
    # ...fields

    def __init__(self, *args, require_verification=True):
        self.require_verification = require_verification

        super().__init__(self, *args)

    def process(self):
        # ...previous code cut for brevity

        if self.require_verification:

        return booking

We just added a require_verification keyword argument to the constructor. And here’s how to use it:

booking = CreateBooking.execute({
    'name': 'Mitchel Cabuloy',
    'email': '[email protected]',
    'checkin_date': date(2017, 8, 12),
    'checkout_date': date(2017, 8, 15),
}, require_verification=False)

Really simple.

But why?

Using services objects has a number of advantages:

Decoupled from presentation logic

Now that your business logic is in its own class, you can call it from anywhere. From regular Django views, JSON endpoints, management commands, RQ tasks, Django admin, etc. Your business logic is no longer bound to your views or models.

Easily testable and mockable

Since service objects are just objects, you can easily call them from your tests to verify their behavior. Similarly, if you’re testing your view or endpoint, you can easily mock out the service objects.

Input validation

Your code will become a lot more concise now that you don’t have to manually check whether or not a parameter is valid. If you need to know why your inputs failed validation, just catch InvalidInputsError and access the errors or non_field_errors dictionary. Better yet, raise a custom exception from your service object.

But fat models…

I tried fat models, but the models just ended up doing too many things. Plus it wasn’t very clear which model a method belongs to if it operated on two different models. (Should Booking have create_booking or should Customer)? Nowadays I prefer that my models stay lean and side-effect free.

Some gotcha’s

Since service objects are built on top of Forms, there are a couple of quirky things.

Models as arguments

You can’t just pass in a model instance. Instead of you have to pass in the ID.

class ApproveBooking(Service):
    booking = forms.ModelChoiceField(

    def process(self):
        # A Booking instance
        booking = self.cleaned_data['booking']

        return booking

some_booking = Booking.objects.get()

# Pass in ''

List of objects as arguments

Since Forms have no ability to receive a list of objects as an input, I had to write a custom form field for that.

class MultipleFormField(forms.Field):
    A field that contains many forms, similar to a FormSet but easier to clean

    def __init__(self, form_class, min_count=1, max_count=None, *args,
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.form_class = form_class
        self.min_count = min_count
        self.max_count = max_count

    def clean(self, values):
        if len(values) < self.min_count:
            raise ValidationError(
                'There needs to be at least '
                f'{self.min_count} item/s.')

        if self.max_count and len(values) > self.max_count:
            raise ValidationError(
                'There needs to be at most '
                f'{self.max_count} item/s.')

        item_forms = []
        for index, item in enumerate(values):
            item_form = self.form_class(item)
            if not item_form.is_valid():
                raise ValidationError(
                    f'[{index}]: {repr(item_form.errors)}')

        return item_forms

And to use

class PersonForm(forms.Form):
    name = forms.CharField()

class UpdateOrganization(Service):
    organization = forms.ModelChoiceField(
    people = MultipleFormField(PersonForm)

    def process(self):
        organization = self.cleaned_data['organization']
        people = self.cleaned_data['people']

        # `people` is a list of Form objects
        for person in people:

org = Organization.objects.get()
    'organization': org,
    'people': [{
        'name': 'Mitchel Cabuloy',
    }, {
        'name': 'Amanda Lim',


Projects get complicated fast, and just putting your business logic in views and models will leave you in a world of hurt. Service objects help by decoupling your business logic from your presentation logic making it easier to test plus have the bonus of input validation.

For now I’ll leave you with a gist with everything you need, but I’m planning to release a library soon so you can just import Service.

UPDATE: Here’s the library version!



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