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Getting started

Before we start, first make sure to install slippers.

Creating our first component#

Let's create a card component that accepts a heading parameter and child elements.

<div class="card">  <h1 class="card__header">{{ heading }}</h1>  <div class="card__body">    {{ children }}  </div></div>

This is just a normal Django template; not too dissimilar from one that you would use with an include tag. Something you may have noticed is {{ children }}. This is where any child elements are rendered when this component is used.

Before we can use our new component, we need to register it. The easiest way to do this is to create a components.yaml file. This file should live in the root template folder. It tells Slippers which templates to register as components. It also serves as a handy directory for all components available in your app.

components:  card: "myapp/card.html"

The name of the component in components.yaml becomes the template tag for that component. In this case, we're registering the myapp/card.html template as the card component.

Now we can use our new card component.

{% load slippers %}
{% #card heading="I am the heading" %}  <span>Hello {{ name|title }}!</span>{% /card %}

Notice that we use # to denote the opening tag of a component and / to denote the closing tag. Anything within the opening and closing tags is passed to the component as children.

And here's the output:

<div class="card">  <h1 class="card__header">I am the heading</h1>  <div class="card__body">    <span>Hello Ryland Grace!</span>  </div></div>

Tada ๐ŸŽ‰