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Template tags and filters

Slippers includes a number of extra template tags and filters to help template authors build reusable components.


The attrs tag is a handy shortcut that outputs template variables as element attributes.

{# input_field component #}<input {% attrs type id name x-bind:class %}>
{# Usage #}{% input_field type="text" id="first_name" name="first_name" x-bind:class="!isValid ? 'error': ''" %}
{# Output #}<input type="text" id="first_name" name="first_name" x-bind:class="!isValid ? 'error': ''" />

The parameters passed to attrs are used as both the "key" of the attribute and the name of the variable to source its value from.

New in Slippers 0.5.0

Added support for special characters in keyword arguments.

Boolean values are treated differently. True values become empty attributes, and False values aren't returned at all.

{# button component #}<button {% attrs disabled %}>{{ children }}</button>
{# Usage #}{% #button disabled=True %}Can't click me{% /button %}{% #button disabled=False %}Click me{% /button %}
{# Output #}<button disabled>Can't click me</button><button>Click me</button>

It's possible to specify the source of the attribute value by writing it as a keyword argument. This is useful if the attribute name is different from the variable you want to get it from.

{# input_field component #}<input {% attrs type id=field_id name %}>
{# Usage #}{% input_field type="text" field_id="first_name" name="first_name" %}
{# Output #}<input type="text" id="first_name" name="first_name" />

It's possible to specify the default value of an attribute by declaring it with the var tag

{# image component #}{% var loading=loading|default:"lazy" %}<img {% attrs src loading alt %}>
{# Usage #}{% image src="..." alt="..." %}
{# Output #}<img src="..." alt="..." loading="lazy" />


The fragment tag allows template fragments to be assigned to variables.

{% fragment as my_fragment %}  <p>Hello, World!</p>{% endfragment %}
{# Output the HTML #}{{ my_fragment }}
{# Pass it around #}{% my_component content=my_fragment %}{% include "my_app/my_other_component.html" with content=my_fragment %}

One handy use for fragment is string interpolation using DTL.

{% fragment as title %}{{ items|floatformat:2 }} items found.{% endfragment %}
{% list_item title=title %}

fragment can't be used inside of a with block.


The match filter outputs a string whose key matches the variable's value.

{% with first="outline" second="ghost" third="square" %}  <button class="{{ first|match:"outline:btn-outline,ghost:btn-ghost" }}">Click me</button>  <button class="{{ second|match:"outline:btn-outline,ghost:btn-ghost" }}">Click me</button>  <button class="{{ third|match:"outline:btn-outline,ghost:btn-ghost" }}">Click me</button>{% endwith %}
{# Output #}<button class="btn-outline">Click me</button><button class="btn-ghost">Click me</button><button class="">Click me</button>

The syntax is:

{{ variable|match:"key1:value1,key2:value2,key3:value3" }}

Tip: You can use the default filter to set a default value if there are no matches.

{% with my_variable="nomatch" %}  <button class="{{ my_variable|match:"outline:btn-outline,ghost:btn-ghost"|default:"btn" }}">Click me</button>{% endwith %}
{# Output #}<button class="btn">Click me</button>


The var tag allows for assigning values to variables.

{% var foo="Hello, World!" %}
<div>{{ foo }}</div>
{# Output #}<div>Hello, World!</div>

The var tag is intended to be used inside component templates as a means to document the variables it requires and specify defaults.

{% var variant=variant|default:"outline" %}
<button class="{{ variant|match:"outline:btn-outline,ghost:btn-ghost" }}">{{ children }}</button>

var can't be used inside of a with block.


The var tag can be used outside a component's context, however, it is not recommended since it would pollute the global context.