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Registering components

Components can be registered through the components.yaml file. This file should be placed at the root template directory.

components:  card: "myapp/card.html"  button: "myapp/button.html"  icon: "myapp/icon.html"  icon_button: "myapp/icon_button.html"

The key is used as the name of the component, and the value is the path to the component template.

Other ways to register components#

If you have special requirements, or simply prefer an alternative way of registering components, you can use the register_components function directly.

from slippers.templatetags.slippers import register_components
register_components({  "card": "myapp/card.html",  "button": "myapp/button.html",})

Adding components to a different register#

By default, the above methods will register components to the slippers tag register. This means that you need to load the slippers template tags before being able to use the components ({% load slippers %}).

There may be cases where you want to register the components to a different tag register; for instance, if you're building a reusable component library.

To do this, you need to pass your own register to the register_components function.

from django import template
register = template.Library()
register_components({  "card": "my_library/card.html",  "button": "my_library/button.html",}, register)

Now you can use the components by loading the my_components template tags.

{% load my_components %}
{% #button %}My button{% /button %}